Auden for now?

What would that great poet of political engagement in the twentieth century have made of the current state of the world? Would it have brought out the ambivalently committed English socialist of the earlier years, or the Christian humanitarian Auden of maturity? Would he have understood that modern right wing populism is not quite theContinue reading “Auden for now?”

Black Mountain Blues

Optic Nerve is a Blakean project based in South London. Largely self-funded they are producing fascinating videos about poetry and contemporary music. Especially the black mountain poets and the Objectivist poets of 20th century America. And from Britain material on Elaine Feinstein – her ‘Song of Power’. I also highly recommend the interview with ‘theContinue reading “Black Mountain Blues”

Longing for the swifts

High summer approaches. For me this time of year is very much associated with that most aetherial of birds, the swift. I’m waiting eagerly for them to arrive.  Remembering sitting in the garden at peace on summer afternoons; looking upwards into depth upon depth of blue, where the screaming swifts are seen looping through theContinue reading “Longing for the swifts”

New Collection from Buddhist Poet

The Solitude of Small Doors, Ananda (Stephen Parr) Wolf at the Door, Bristol 2015, £11.52, pb, 250 pp (To order go to and search for Stephen Parr Reviewed by Ratnagarbha Ananda’s major new collection, The Solitude of Small Doors has a distilled reflectiveness about it. We get the feeling that this is the fruit of aContinue reading “New Collection from Buddhist Poet”

Petrarch, Sonnets in translation

Francesco Petrarca (July 20, 1304 – July 19, 1374), commonly written in English as Petrarch, was one of the earliest humanists. Petrarch’s rediscovery of Cicero‘s letters is often credited with initiating the 14th-century Renaissance. His love sonnets were admired and imitated throughout Europe during the Renaissance and became a model for lyrical poetry. They were all written to expressContinue reading “Petrarch, Sonnets in translation”

A Pilgrim in Narnia

a journey through the imaginative worlds of C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and the Inklings

The Dorset Rambler

Exploring the countryside and lanes of Dorset

Reconstructionary Tales

Modern literature; occasional straying into other paths.

Wood Bee Poet

Poems, thoughts...etc.

Shiny New Books

What to Read Next and Why


Curiosities, exploration, strange things and history

The Smell of Water

Dark and True and Tender is the North

Julian Beach :: Writing

Poems | England | Staffordshire | East Anglia | Northern Ireland | The Needwood Poems.

art & poetry for spiritual evolution


Exploring Time Travel of Place


Recent work and work in progress and anything else that interests me

Richly Evocative

Places, books & other diversions

Writing the World

Nature writing for the ecological crisis

The Solitary Walker

art & poetry for spiritual evolution

Psychogeographic Review

The Art of Psychogeography


art & poetry for spiritual evolution


Recent work and work in progress and anything else that interests me

Brian David Stevens

art & poetry for spiritual evolution

Murdo Eason - From Hill to Sea

walking / writing / between world and word

Ambrose Gilson – photography & writing

Photos and essays of geo-poetry, nature and landscape

Matthew Kunce Photography

A journey into photography and life.